Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My First Banning

Well, I got banned from Bill Medvecky's cesspool. I'm not whining about it, after all it is a cesspool. Seems a bit hypocritical to me, as they're going bananas attacking me specifically and Bill claims to be all for personal freedoms and liberties. I'd think the right to defend yourself verbally would be sacrosanct, but then reason and Bill have never been real friends or anything.

One post of mine he deleted (Yeah, I kept copies of all of 'em in the order they were posted) was puzzling, though. I thought this was quite tame and even kind of me:

By the way, Dazzle, thank you for being willing to admit to the possibility you might have misjudged me — I see such self honesty very rarely here. I admire people who can admit to mistakes — or even the possibility of a mistake.
Rebeckah on January 19th, 2010 at 2:40 am

Oh well, this is the man who calls everyone he dislikes the nastiest names he can come up with (gimp, dyke, half breed, just to list a few) and LOVES to bully and threaten -- sorry Bill, not intimidated by you, your FLDS bully friends (and I'll bet you good money that the decent members of the FLDS avoid him like the plague) OR your supposed "outing" of my information. Funny how a man who whimpers continually about the abuse of power in government thinks NOTHING of gathering private information from others (like email addresses for instance) and then publishes it in spite of a written assurance that will never happen.

Folks, a news flash for you -- he'll do it to ANYONE who pisses him off. He's a liar and this wasn't his first lie by a long shot. More basic information; people who lie can't be trusted. Bill's lied about the CPS stories he's told (which is weird because there are enough TRUE horror stories about CPS that there's no NEED to lie, but I rather suspect that Bill likes to see how much you'll swallow and believe), he regularly lies about the people involved with this case, his lies have been PROVEN many times, and yet his sycophantic followers eat it up without pause.

I'll continue to address the attacks by his nazi followers here -- since Bill doesn't believe in telling whole story or allowing the whole story to be told.


  1. I think it's clear that, since the first conviction in Texas, Bill does not want to hear from the opposition at all.

  2. True, but being a liar he tells himself and everyone else that he will allow opposition to post -- or not. ;)

    Oh well, he did me a favor to ban me but I still need to find out about his phishing scheme to collect email addresses and publish them on his blog. I think I'll just contact the FBI's computer division -- they can surely tell me what is and isn't possible as far as recourse is concerned.

    Oh, and he then published my email a second time. I wonder why? Did he think it would scare me the second time when it didn't the first?

  3. You got banned by Uncle Bile ?
    Well congratulations, what a compliment !

  4. lol, thank you. As far as I'm concerned it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm telling the truth. :D

  5. Its an interesting deal, there are only a couple sites that have any regular posts at all on the FLDS, and both are run by cyber-bullies.

    Its good they get answered for the nonsense they spout!
