Saturday, January 9, 2010

Responding to some Bile

So, Bill Medvecky, a person I sincerely hope you’ve never inflicted upon yourself, has come up with an interesting rant which, yet again, sheds quite a bit of light on his dark, twisted mind. Now I stopped posting on his site when I discovered that he has a habit of editing posts to say what he wants, and then he responds to ---- HIMSELF! It’s pointless AND twisted! So I felt it appropriate to address his criminal minded insanity here, where my posts are under MY control.

First of all, I think Bill's allegation that every man in San Angelo has a middle school pregnant girlfriend says volumes about his own view of women and girls. I've always taken the assertions of his pedophilia with a grain of salt but this really makes me wonder. After all, people tend to accuse other people of their own sins --- it's human nature.

As for his use of the word "Mormon" for FLDS, I don't think he's winning any brownie points with either group there.

And his magical thinking belief that all the evidence will get thrown out as fruit of the poisoned tree -- dream on Bill. The search warrants weren't invalidated by the probability that the calls were a hoax. I still wonder how many girls were hidden and/or removed during the raid who were pregnant or about to be married off. I suspect more of them than we know about, that's for sure.

Sure Bill, you go on living in your dream world. So far you've batted 0 for 0 anyway.

If you feel like reading this bile filled entry for yourself, you can find it at:

Just don’t say I didn’t warn you about the sleaze factor. ;)

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